Who We Are
The Quinte Labour Council represents unionized members in Bay of Quinte region. We work together in solidarity to help everyone in their workplace. We support the principles and policies of the Canadian Labour Congress. Promote the interests of its affiliates and generally to advance the economic and social welfare of workers.
The labour council brings these members together every month for regular meetings, and carries out events and activities between meetings. Quinte Labour Council meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm at the Federation House, 114 Victoria Avenue, Belleville (note: there are no July and August meeting).
We are a chartered body of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), representing 3.5 million unionized Canadians.
Labour councils can be of great importance to the communities in which we all live. However, labour councils can only make a difference when local unions are involved in building labour’s voice in the community. If you are interested in more information you can contact us at quintelabourcouncil@gmail.com